Fifteen are UK Blog Awards Finalists!

Fifteen are UK Blog Awards Finalists!

The Fifteen office opened its doors again this week and after a long and relaxing ten days holiday we returned refreshed to the office to find some great news… We have been named as finalists in the 2017 UK Blog Awards! After a lot of campaigning for votes from our clients and followers (for which we are so very grateful) and a lot of hard work writing, scheduling and creating content from the Fifteen digital marketing team, our blog content has reached the final stages of the judging process as a company finalist in the ‘PR, Media, Marketing And Communications’ category. Phase two of the judging process involves our blog being cast under the expert eyes of an industry leading judging panel in February 2017. The results of the awards will be revealed at a prestigious awards ceremony at the Westminster Park Plaza Hotel, London on Friday 21st April 2017. This year, not only could our entry win the individual category prize, but it could also be in with a chance to win the ODEON Cinemas Content of the Year Award, picking up the overarching golden award on the night. In preparation for and during the voting process, we worked hard to produce and deliver valuable content and information for our followers about the importance of having a blog and ideas on what to fill it will. We had UK Blog Award takeovers on our social media channels, question and answers sessions, a dedicated ‘Blog Week’ on our website and we even delivered a ‘Live Blog’ that was updated throughout the day be every member of the Fifteen team in the office. Have a scroll back through our December blog posts in case you missed anything from Blog Week. We hope you enjoy our blog and that you find the information we share of interest and as a useful resource to help to your business. Let us know if there’s anything you would like to know more about or read more of on our blog and we’ll be sure to post something on here about it soon! Now, we just have to hold tight until the awards night in April. We’d like to take this opportunity to wish the rest of the finalists good luck and thank you all again for your votes. Wish us luck!

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