While the rest of you are enjoying your lie-in this Sunday morning, the boys and girls of Fifteen will be braving the wintery weather for a charity run in memory of a much-loved colleague.
Developer, athlete and all-round top guy Tony Austin passed away in July and those of us who were lucky enough to know him during his time with Fifteen wanted to do something special in tribute to him.
Tony – aka Big Tone, aka T-Dog, aka Agent Steps – was a dedicated long-distance runner who not only trounced the competition in our office Fitbit challenges but also took time out of our works holiday in Ibiza to go for a jog round the island!
So naturally a running challenge seemed the most fitting way to remember him, which is why this Sunday eighteen of Tony’s colleagues will be taking on the Nottingham MoRun – an event in support of the Movember Foundation for men’s health – at Nottingham’s Wollaton Park, a short distance from our offices.
The forecast is currently predicting cold and rain, so it’s not exactly going to be Ibiza weather, and our race times probably won’t quite reach Tony’s standard. However, we think he’d find the idea of us braving the November cold and stumbling through the Nottinghamshire landscape highly amusing, especially after all the stick we gave him over his own winter training regime!
We’re raising money in aid of the Movember Foundation, so if you would like to contribute to a great cause by sponsoring us, please head over to our official JustGiving page.
[fifteen_button link=”https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/big-t-15″] Sponsor the Fifteen team [/fifteen_button]