How to master your LinkedIn marketing strategy

How to master your LinkedIn marketing strategy

Social media is a fundamental ingredient in the modern marketing mix. It works as a powerful awareness tool, and to our followers, it’s the primary source of updates and offers. It’s no secret social media increases growth and traffic to your website, as well as improves engagement. 

But LinkedIn is slightly different to your standard social media networks. It’s more of a business platform, so you need to think of LinkedIn as your boss, or a work colleague. 

It’s definitely a platform you should consider including in your social media marketing strategy, and here’s why:

  • The growth potential on this channel shouldn’t be underestimated
  • It’s highly useful for paid advertising
  • Any business related news you share tends to perform well
  • There’s reachable audience demographics
  • It supports positioning

On LinkedIn, there are always things that can be done to boost your professional image online. Let’s dive a little further into the do’s and don’ts of mastering this platform…

DO be selective about who you connect with

Be selective about your connections. Ask yourself, will their content add value to your feed? Are they someone you’ll potentially work with? Build your network slowly and be purposeful about your connections.

DON’T leave your banner space blank

The main banner on your LinkedIn profile is a great space to make a statement; ensure it is specific to what you are trying to say. It’s a great way to promote your company or highlight a product or service you offer for example.

DO optimise your headline

This is what people see under your name when they view the app on mobile. You want to ensure you feature your job title, or the service you offer, and it’s visible in the first 70 characters.

DON’T be too salesy

Of course you want to get your product or service out there to your audience, but be careful not to seem like you are being overly ‘pushy’ and end up accomplishing the opposite goal.

DO use a professional headshot

LinkedIn isn’t the place to share selfies, so be sure to set the right tone for your business and use a professional headshot of yourself. You could also use your business logo if you prefer.

DON’T send generic connection requests

If you want to make a good impression on a potential new connection, it’s important to personalise your connection requests. If you’ve met them before sending a connection request, send them a message to let them know how you know them, or let them know how it would be beneficial to connect.

DO engage

The more time you put into engagement on LinkedIn, the more you will be rewarded. If you’ve seen a post you like and it’s relevant to you and your business, engage with it by reacting, commenting or sharing it. Be sure to contribute regularly to any groups you are part of also, or give your insight or thoughts on a particular topic.

DO use hashtags

Using hashtags is a great way to increase your visibility on LinkedIn, but don’t go mad. It’s best practice to only use three or four hashtags in one post, and always put them at the end of your post

How else can you master your LinkedIn marketing strategy?

We’ve touched upon the do’s and don’ts of using LinkedIn, but what else can you do to truly optimise your LinkedIn marketing strategy?

Showcase your skills and talents

LinkedIn allows you to upload documents, images, videos, and presentations to your profile. Slideshare, owned by LinkedIn, is a knowledge-sharing tool which allows you to upload your presentations to share with the public. If you don’t make many presentations, consider converting your PDFs to a powerpoint format and share to your profile. This is a great way to assert yourself as an industry expert, whatever your chosen industry might be. By adding your work or portfolio to your profile, people can see that you mean business and may potentially even make you a headhunting target.

Endorsements are key

LinkedIn allows you to add endorsable skills to your profile, which allows your colleagues to endorse you at what you are good at. This becomes a highly useful tool for people to see what you are good at. Don’t be afraid to get out there and endorse other people for their skills and see the endorsements roll in.

Utilise recommendations

If you’ve worked with an old manager or colleague, be sure to recommend them on LinkedIn. Make it as personal as you can over a generic recommendation – talk about how well you two worked together and how you recommend their skills. If you make the first move, you’ll more than likely receive a recommendation back.

Don’t be put off by LinkedIn for advertising

We all know that paid advertising can be pricey, and LinkedIn advertising costs aren’t for the faint hearted. Having said that, LinkedIn for advertising can be a great step for you and your business by supporting you to increase brand awareness and convert audiences into leads.

You can read this advert guide from LinkedIn for more information.

Put some thought into your LinkedIn content strategy

The content you put out is extremely important, so you need to put some thought into your LinkedIn content strategy. Here are some tips from us:

  • Make sure your images add value to your message and brand, and do not detract from it
  • Ensure snappy and engaging copy
  • Try using questions where you can to encourage more engagement through our posts
  • Use these posts as an opportunity to drive your audience to your website
  • Include a strong call to action
  • Mix up the type of content shared
  • If you create videos, make sure you use subtitles

Need help with your LinkedIn marketing strategy?

If you’d like to know how we can help incorporate LinkedIn into your social media strategy, but you’re unsure where to start, why not get in touch with our specialists today? Our social media experts can help you from start to finish from targeting, to budgets, to analysing and reporting.

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