The Google Zoo – Panda, Penguin, and Hummingbird

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The Google Zoo – Panda, Penguin, and Hummingbird

So, you might be here because you don’t understand the Google Algorithm. Don’t worry you’re not the only one because it’s so hard to keep up with the regular updates, it can be very confusing but after reading this blog you’ll be a smart-pants at it.

Let’s start off with the easier part first by explaining what the Algorithms are. Algorithms work by scanning through finding the pages that contain relevant keywords that match what the user wants. The more the keyword appears, the more good links you have, good page speed and mobile responsiveness the higher you’ll rank!

The Google Algorithms were created to improve the relevancy of the results to make sure the most relevant websites rank highest in search engines. The Panda, Penguin and Hummingbird updates work to search through the billions of web pages and other information, to return what they believe is the most relevant.

What is Google Panda?

First of all, let’s start talking about Google Panda. Google Panda was released in February 2011 to change the way search engines rank pages.

The purpose of Google Panda is to eliminate the results that aren’t relevant or useful for the user.  When looking for poor content Panda looks for old content, low quality and spammy content. So, make sure this is not on your site or you know who is coming for you, the Panda!

The panda is on the hunt for sites with poor quality content to stop them making their way to the top on search engines results. It then puts higher quality content at the top of the results allow the user to get the best content.

If you have a page showing low-quality content but you are getting a high number of visitors visiting that page then instead of deleting the page, I recommend changing the content to make it more relevant for the user. When a user is searching for a keyword they expect to receive the correct information so you need to make sure the information you’re changing still meets what the user wants.

What is Google Penguin?

Let’s get onto the next algorithm, Penguin. Google launched Penguin on the 24th of April, 2012.

Penguin is out to find them websites that are cheating their way to the top of search engines by buying links and using black hat SEO techniques to boost their rankings. Just to let you know this doesn’t get passed the Penguins eye, because the Penguin update will find them bad links leading to your site being penalised as a result.

Having a strong set of links pointing to your site will improve your rankings, then Google will see your site as a strong site offering good and relevant of information. But, buying these links can give you a low-quality source, and doesn’t look good from an SEO point of view.

Google are constantly updating the Penguin to catch people buying links without being penalised. There is no way you’re getting passed the penguin now!

Google Penguin has a big impact on your SEO if you’re breaking the rules, buying your links. From an SEO point of view, it can be seen as a good thing because the penguin helps to point out the black hats that are cheating their way to the top of search engines.

What is Google Hummingbird?

Last but not least, Hummingbird.

Google made their announcement on the Hummingbird on September the 26 2013, but It was released before it was accounted on August the 30th 2013. This update seemingly had little impact on SEO as there were no huge ranking differences reported at the time.

The purpose of Hummingbird is it ensures that the best results are used in search engines allowing the user to receive the quality information they need.

Hummingbird brings you better results. Let’s say you Google a question such as ‘where can I buy women’s shoes’. Google then knows to bring you shops in your local area where you can buy women shoes. But, if you were going to type in ‘women shoes’ then Google would bring you a wide range of page such as blogs, shops and information about women’s shoes. With Hummingbird, it will read through the context on each page to see how important that context is and if it meets what the user wants. It also looks if your context is good quality and if the keyword matches.

Yeah, I know you’re probably stressing out about your SEO, then stop because there is nothing to stress about because it shouldn’t affect you. Unless… you’re breaking the rules!

If you have good quality context on your site are following SEO best practices, you should be just fine.

If you still feel like you don’t understand or have any questions about the Google Algorithms Panda, Penguin or Hummingbird then please feel free to contact us today and we will be happy to provide you with any information you need.

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