The client.

The Bikeability Trust & Active Travel England – Digitisation Project

Fifteen have been working with the Bikeability Trust for over four years. Through this work, we support a system to bring Grant Providers, Training Providers and Schools together to provide limited data to the government for training school children to cycle – the previously known Cycling Proficiency Scheme. 

In 2023, more data was required to understand the effectiveness of the investment in child cycle training and a toolkit for the industry would be required or it would become a highly manual process.


There are three main elements to the new digitised product that Fifteen built to support the project: Consent, Outcomes and Reporting.  A summary of the system’s new processes that we provided:

  1. The Training Provider creates a training event in consultation with the school, this creates a QR code for consent distributed by the training provider or School.
  2. Parents are provided the QR code and fill in the details for their child through the new system.
  3. The culmination of this information is then made available to the instructors (chosen by the training provider at set up) through a new web app created for providing important information about the child, including preferences from the parent and tools for recording course outcomes, surveys, commenting and much more.
  4. The outcomes of the training are then sent to the parent on a unique URL so they can see all the tasks and levels their child achieved, the children can see how they did and what they need to get better and have fun tasks to enhance their riding to get digital badges.
  5. The data is then anonymised and made available to the Trust for reporting to the appropriate government departments / funding bodies, etc.

Privacy and protection of this data moving through the system was paramount with child data, preferences, etc. and this was built in from the ground up with passive data encryption, MFA for users interacting with the data and more. 

There were several technical challenges to be overcome and supporting systems that needed to be built, for example an API for external software providers that were used by Training Providers to integrate the new data requirements. As of early 2025, the system is in full roll out.


We continue to support and maintain the system as well as to review and refine over time. 

If you need some support getting a digital project off the ground, streamlining your systems, investigating technology and data options, please get in touch and let’s start a conversation.

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