Brighton SEO 2018 Highlights

Some of our bright spark digitals recently ventured south to attend Brighton SEO, one of the UK’s leading search marketing conferences. As always, it was a pleasure to get all the latest gossip on everything digital and see how other professionals are adapting to today’s technical climate. Team Fifteen came out of it with some fresh ideas to run with, new tools to test and plugins to… plug in? We’re always learning and will be with the nature of technology. Here’s a roundup of what we picked up at the seaside.

Laura - Digital & PR Executive 

"My highlight was from Hannah Butcher a freelance content writer at Content Camino. The influencer marketing sphere is something that is very much still developing and with that, marketers are learning how to approach such a partnership. The key takeaways were to make sure you're treating a influencer like a business, their partnerships are their salary. Make a contract, be specific and make sure you don't change the goal posts. Influencer marketing is blowing up and I'm excited about it, Hannah's talk reminded us that Influencer Marketing should be treated like any other channel. As in PR don't suggest what you can't deliver and propose something that people actually care about!"

Dan - Digital Executive

"Some exciting stuff by Chris Liversidge from Queryclick. Learning how to build custom Attribution modelling through machine learning and bespoke analytics. It's going to be really exciting over the next couple of months showing clients how to accurately measure marketing efforts and being able to create exciting campaigns to meet demand based on our own algorithmic insights"

Mark – Content Specialist

  How to increase conversions and rankings using the Limbic Map of the brain" presentation. The key points he found really interesting were -
  • We make decisions with the limbic brain. We don’t buy products, we buy feelings. We then use data and facts to back up the decision we have already made with our emotions. This is simple fact.
  • Emotional decisions come from our limbic brain, which can be mapped out.
  • Understanding how we make purchasing decisions on emotions defines better marketing activities and branding.
  • We can focus copy based on the emotions people need from a product. But we can also design better websites. This is important as people make their emotional judgements in less than half a second.
  • We can reverse-engineer branding based on what emotions a brand wants to convey.
The Limbic Map The Limbic Map

Milou – SEO Executive

  Milou found it so hard to choose one highlight from Brighton SEO, so she tells us the key points of 3 talks she attended, which all focused on SEO and link building (naturally). Greg GiffordLink Building at a Granular Level Local Links
  • Always have value, even nofollow
  • Mix of links for SEO and local traffic
  • Leverage what you already do
  • Think: local meet ups, (events) sponsorships, directories, charities, blogs, clubs, calendar pages etc.
When acquiring, focus on value for both parties, as they probably won’t be SEO savvy. Laura Hogan - Big Links for £0 Free Links
  • Unlinked brand mentions
  • Journo requests
  • FOIs
  • Newsjacking
  • Case Studies
  • PR & News
  • Interviews & Opinion pieces
Chelsea Blacker – Taming the Wild West of ASO App Store Optimisation
  • New apps need long tail keywords in the title
  • Pick your category right
  • Use keyword in the title
  • Leverage your developer profile
  • Icon: check competition and design to stand out
  • Visuals: use text and/or video
  • Explain updates (and update regularly), is another space for keywords

India – Digital Strategist

David Lockie - 'Blockchain, Digital Marketing, Disruption'
The opportunities that are opening up for advertisers (and consumers) in the cryptocurrency world. Think bitcoin and Ethereum with practical advertising applications. The Basic Attention Token (BAT) has been created to correctly value and price users’ attention, which is becoming increasingly vital in the digital world. BAT is designed to monetise human attention. Advertisers buy space and user attention on a platform with tokens. Publishers receive revenue in the form of tokens. Users are paid in BAT for viewing these adverts. And the point? Advertisers are receiving a better targeting, reduced fraud and subsequently achieve a much higher ROI. User’s privacy is protected, and they receive a share of payment as a reward for their time.
Find out more at

Adam – Paid Media Executive

"I attended a talk on Adwords Automation by Arianne Donoghue at Brighton SEO that included information on the techniques and practices that can be put into place that help us collect relevant data in a form that’s ready to be analysed and utilised to drive intelligent action. Scripts allow data to be collected from Adwords and presented into Google Sheets for information regarding Quality Scores, Bid Modifiers, Landing Page Issues, N-Gram Analysis and Heat maps for account performance. Giving us some guidance for optimisation and a basis for strategic direction in SEM. Lots of work to be done!"

Jacqueline - Digital Executive

Marcus Tober of Searchmetrics - Content for the Moments that Matter

  • There are universal ranking factors such as page speed, authenticity, quality content.
  • BUT other ranking factors are different & highly dependent on each niche/industry /audience.
  • That is, you may have heard there must be 1,000-word count on every page - but this is not the case for every client. E.g. A recipe page.
  • Or ‘everyone should be using video’ - not appropriate for every client. E.g. Divorce lawyers.
  • What are the best performing content types for the specific niche/industry/ audience?
  • Creating the most appropriate, effective and successful forms of content for the client will help towards their ranking.

You can’t (and don’t need to) be good at everything. Specialists are successful!

  • Rebrand - can the content be championed by a new brand or rebrand?
  • Restyle - can the way the content is presented be changed? Think design aspects, a different type of presentation may be needed.
  • Reorganise - can the information be restructured and organised in a much better way according to user expectations and desires?
  • Revisit - can the information be updated with new views, data, evidence, links etc.?
  • Redistribute - can the content be shared with new people and partners?
  • Removal - Consider a spring clean to specialise in a certain area - don't be afraid to delete content if it is not relevant or successful. 
Keep an eye on our blog updates for more in-depth discussions on our personal highlights above. You may also like to see how these compare to last years highlights - Brighton SEO Recap - What News will Affect your Business? .

Roll on Brighton SEO 2019!

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