Google Adwords: Demographic Targeting

Google Adwords: Demographic Targeting

Tired of your ad being pushed to an audience that will never buy? Then demographic targeting could be for you.

Is your product targeted at the over fifty? Then filter out the kids. Similarly, if your brand is aimed at the under ten’s, cut through the noise and make sure your adverts are seen only by the people that matter: parents.

Filtering your demographics is an ideal way to reduce your pay-per-click bill. By only targeting users that would be interested in your product, you reduce unnecessary traffic and wasted clicks.

Google Adwords also allows you an insight into your audience’s behaviours with demographic reporting. Based on ‘cookies’ users are labelled into groups. The chart allows you to compare the performance of each individual group – see who you’re reaching, which audiences are responding well and adjust your campaigns accordingly.

And how does Google determine cookies?

When you visit a website that has partnered with the Google Display Network, Google stores a number in your browser to remember your visit. Based on the sites we visit, this attributes us with labels such as our parental status, age and gender.

What if a consumer can’t be identified?

If a user has no cookies then you can choose to exclude them from your campaign. We can do this by deselecting the ‘Unknown’ category in your demographic targeting.

It’s important to remember that some websites don’t provide demographic information for this customers, and some opt out of demographic targeting, so only choose this method if you wish for an extremely narrowed audience.

Want us to set up a demographic campaign for you? Contact one of our Google-certified specialists today.

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