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How to create a business Twitter account

February 22, 2023

You might feel you need to create a business Twitter account and start tweeting because that bandwagon has been rolling for a long time now. Or maybe you are just launching a business and know that it will help you to start with a strong social media presence. Either way, yes, your business or brand may need to be on Twitter (and Facebook, and Instagram, and Pinterest, and LinkedIn possibly), but the most important thing is to start out right.

It takes time to undo a mistake, and making a good first impression is critical. In digital marketing, you’re not likely to get a second chance. The first step to successfully launching your Twitter campaign, is to create a Twitter profile for your business, which is complete and compelling.

In this blog, we’ll go through step-by-step how to create a company page on Twitter so your social media presence is off to a winning start.

Setting up a business Twitter account

It’s important to not make the mistake of doing a fast job and planning to go back later to fix it up. You wouldn’t open a bricks and mortar shop with construction still going on, and that applies to social media as well. Less haste, more speed as they say.

Step 1: Head over to Twitter to get started

Start by going to Twitter and clicking the ‘Create account’ button.

If you already have other social media accounts, you are best off using the same username and images with your new Twitter company page. If you are just starting out on social media for your business, the same applies. Using the same names and images across all of your social media outlets promotes brand recognition and awareness.

It makes it easier for your target audience to recognise you. On Twitter, you will need two photos, similar to Facebook. You have a small profile photo set against a header photo, similar to a Facebook profile picture and cover photo.

Step 2: Fill in your company information

Filling in every single blank box is important. Each one is an opportunity to create a good first impression and give visitors all the information they will need. Tell them who you are, what you do, where you do it and how. List your website, and link back to it in tweets. Twitter is a great way to drive traffic to your website.

Step 3: Confirm your account

Once you’ve set up your account, you’ll be asked to confirm your account. This is Twitter’s way of checking it’s definitely you setting up your account. You should receive an email with a confirmation code. You’ll need to input this code into Twitter to continue setting up your business account.

Step 4: Build your following

By this, we mean you will need to build your own following of other Twitter accounts. Based on the information you used to create your Twitter business profile, it will give you a selection of accounts to follow. It’s important to only follow accounts that are relevant to your business, brand or industry. Not only will you see content that is relevant to you, it also gives the impression to your followers that you’re genuine and not just following accounts for the sake of it or to only gain ‘follow backs’.

Once you’ve followed a few accounts, Twitter will give you more account suggestions to follow, but you can skip this section if you prefer.

Step 5: Do your research before you start tweeting!

Hurray! You’ve successfully created your Twitter company page. It’s now time to start tweeting. But, before you start tweeting until your heart’s content, it’s extremely important to do your research. Study how other business profiles similar to yours use Twitter, and think about creating and using relevant hashtags to gain followers – but do this carefully and strategically.

People can become annoyed by too many hashtags in a single tweet, and they are even more annoyed by businesses adopting a hashtag that isn’t suitable or relevant to their business, brand or industry.

The other critical thing you need to think about when you are creating a Twitter business profile is how you are going to use it. Every business needs a formal but flexible social media marketing strategy with a clear goal in mind. That might be to drive traffic to your website or gain more conversions for example.

If you utilise content marketing in the form of blogs for example, you can use your social media outlets to drive traffic by posting a link with a short teaser. And on any type of social media, you have to be available to engage and respond to people quickly, so having a social media policy in place is also important.

Speak to our social media marketing experts

With any type of social media marketing, it’s extremely important to have a strategy in place so you can understand what platforms are right for your business, how you’ll utilise that platform and more importantly, how it ties in with your overall marketing objectives.

If you need help with your social media marketing, be sure to get in touch with our experts today for advice on different social media platforms, tactics, content and so much more.




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