The 4 C’s Of Creating A Campaign

Before launching a campaign, there are four major points you should think about; customer, channel, content and change. If you go through these pointers and make a full plan, it will help to make sure you get the full potential from your campaign.


Your brand should already know who your customer is, but sometimes when creating a campaign you may be focusing on a more selective or broad consumer. Make several consumer profiles of who you’re wanting the campaign to reach. What do they do, where do they go, what do they like? Think about all the ins and out of your consumer.


There are hundreds of channels you can put your campaign onto. Do you want it to be focused on digital or print channels? Or do you want it on both? Go back to your consumer and see where is best to capture their attention. Where will they see your campaign? If they are a millennial, then digital channels are better. If they’re baby boomers, perhaps print would be better. The channels you use will also depend on what your brand is like, and how much spend you have for the campaign. Getting an advert into a magazine can cost you thousands, where as digital advertising on social media can be more versatile and affordable.


When it comes to creating the content of the campaign, you’ll need to think about the tone of voice , imagery or videos you’ll use and how often it’ll be featured. No one has the patience anymore to read or watch lengthy adverts, so keep it short and snappy! The tone of voice is important, do you want it to sound conversational or formal? Again, think back to what your customer likes and wants. Your content will also vary dependant on the placement, image and font sizes will have to change and on social media channels, like Twitter, they have a specific word count, so copy on here will need to be cut down. Be creative and stand out from your competitors.


Once your campaign is up and running, you should be constantly checking the analytics and statistics. If certain adverts are under-performing, perhaps you should think about switching them off. If some adverts are performing really well, look into putting more spend into those instead. You can also change your copy, imagery or videos to see if that’ll effect the campaign, or even change the audience to be more specific or more broad. Change can be for the better! Just make sure you aren’t constantly chopping and changing, otherwise this could just completely ruin the original aim of the campaign, or even confuse your consumer.

Thinking about setting up a campaign for your brand? At Fifteen we offer digital marketing strategy services, click here to find out more of what we can do for your brand.

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