The Best SEO memes of 2018

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Working in the digital industry can be strange at times. Everyone is on social media and assets such as memes have become a big part of the average person’s day-to-day life. I have been described as the Queen of Memes a few times. I spend time everyday scrolling through my news feed tagging my friends in various posts and continuing our meme wars.

It wasn’t until the other day that a joke about schema markup went too far and before we knew it – we were elbow deep in SEO memes. Since then, our digital marketing slack channel has been filled with everything from Gordon Ramsey to Liam Neeson. Here are some of our favourite SEO memes of 2018:

10. If you could just make us #1…

Make Us number 1 SEO meme

Not every client knows what SEO is. Never mind all the hard work that has to be put in to rank for highly competitive terms. We like to understand our client’s goals, whether the point is to raise brand awareness or boost conversions. Getting a company page to rank is part of the package with SEO, but we’re not going to do it by the weekend.

9. Is this link spam?!

Gordon Ramsay SEO meme

Often during our “discovery” phase with a new client, we’ll tell them about the importance of having high quality and relevant backlinks. We’ll usually disavow a lot of their current links. With a plan to replace them with a high-quality link building plan. Yet a lot of them see their backlink count halve overnight and panic – don’t worry, it’s link spam. It won’t be missed.

8. I will find you… again. And again. And again.

Liam Neeson SEO Meme

Ahhh a good old remarketing joke! We love following people around the internet, freaking them out at every twist and turn. What’s better for your brand exposure than being EVERYWHERE. Especially where your potential customer visits?

7. I don’t always use Schema Markup…

Schema meme

Oh, wait. Yes, we do! Every SEO knows that Schema and other types of markup are one of the biggest changes in how we translate our pages for search engines. Schema provides more information in the SERPs and it has been proven to improve CTR. (We had to at least give a shout out to the meme that gave us this blog inspiration.)

6. We also (don’t) like to live dangerously…

Austin Powers SEO meme

Every website that comes out of Fifteen has been designed to be user-friendly but also easy to optimise. Little things like setting ALT tags, metadata and heading structures should happen without a doubt if you ever want a chance of ranking.

5. You know nothing about featured snippets…

Game of Thrones SEO meme

Featured snippets are an interesting concept for SEOs everywhere. Known as “position 0”, being featured in a featured snippet allows you to rank above all other organic pages for a certain term or question. It can be hard to secure these spaces, and we’re sure Jon Snow knows nothing about it…

4. Blogging actually works…

SEO blog meme

It’s no surprise that business owners believe blogs are just there to look pretty. Most don’t completely understand how much of an impact they can have. Blogs allow you to target relative keywords and questions. As well as providing your site with fresh content on a regular basis – something that we know Google loves.

3. Google’s guidelines are there for a reason…

SEO guidelines meme

Google’s Webmaster Guidelines are there as a guide for SEO’s everywhere. Google no longer releases algorithm updates as a heads-up. But, everything you need to know is available at your disposal if you look hard enough. If you decide to go against these guidelines by using black-hat techniques, you’ll soon know about it.

2. Thou shall not pass without a content strategy…

SEO Lord of the Rings meme

Even here in 2018 – Content is King. Without an effective content strategy, none of your channels can thrive and perform to the highest standard. Get your strategy in place or you shall not pass in to the world of good rankings and heightened traffic.

1. SEO isn’t rocket science…

SEO Science meme

Way back when, you could add white text on white backgrounds or link build through directories. A rumor was made that SEO is “easy”. Any SEO specialist like myself knows that’s not the case. If you don’t know the ins and outs you will never have a successful strategy. Not to say it’s rocket science, it just takes a little work.

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