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The Importance of Having Your Own Business Email Address

March 11, 2016

Nearly everyone online has an email address, it has become essential to allow people to access online services.

You most likely have a free personal email address ([email protected], [email protected] etc) that you use to access your personal email, facebook and any other online services you use.

The question is, does your business have it’s own email address? As a business owner, you might ask if it is worth paying for a personalised business email address, when you can just set a gmail account up for free….

The answer is simply yes. 

Which email address would you trust more?

[email protected] or [email protected] 

Studies have shown that 92% of small businesses say that branded emails make their business look and appear more credible, (which is obviously important for businesses of any size), using a free email address could make you look unprofessional, and who would want that?

Make it Memorable

When you have your own business email address it helps make your business more memorable, which is easier for your customers and potential customers. Would you open an email from [email protected] or an email from [email protected]? I know which one I would prefer to open and respond too, the later is also easier to remember as well!

Having Control Over the System

Having a business email address is also handy, as when your business starts to grow (for example adding a new staff member or department) you can keep a formula and your email addresses on brand and on point.

You might choose to have emails such as finance@ info@ sales@ yourname@ – having such emails allows you to control who receives the email within the business, and your users feel like they are going through the right department at all times.

It means that you are in full control, and can remove/delete that member when they move on and leave, knowing that the emails are still secure on your system.

The Cost

Setting up business emails is very simple, and something that us here at Fifteen can take care of for you. Many hosting companies offer emails as part of their package or you can use an external system like Gmail to host your emails externally, so if your website hosting does go down, your emails aren’t affected.


Do you need emails setting up?

Get in touch with us today on 0115 932 5151 or email [email protected] 




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